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St Columba

Hello, and welcome to our St Columba class page!

Here on this page you will be able to see our exciting learning activities that we get up to with Miss Hardwick, Mrs Knowles and Miss Keeley. We will also do some exciting learning activities with Miss Hall.

Our Geography topic for this term is My Local Area - Firth Park.

Our philosophical question is 'What makes Firth Park special?' 

Saint Columba

Each class at St. Patrick’s has a class saint that we learn about throughout the year. We talk about our Saint regularly and encourage the children to learn, talk and ask questions about their Saint. Each Saint has a Feast Day, where we celebrate their lives and what they did in order to become a Saint.

In Badgers, our class saint is Saint Columba. St. Columba was an Irish missionary who is credited with spreading Christianity in Scotland and the building of churches and abbey's. St. Columba's feast day is the 9th of June.

Termly topic webs

Autumn Topic Map

Spring topic web

Summer topic web


As a faith school, RE as at the forefront of everything we do. We celebrate RE in many different ways across the school day, such as through Collective Worship, Godly Plays and Liturgical Prayers.

Our RE topics for Autumn are: Families, Belonging, and Advent. We will also celebrate Harvest, and have an alternative faith week where we learn about Judaism.

Our RE topics for Spring are: Special people, Meals and Lent. We will also do a Lent performance, about the story of the Garden of Gethsemane.

Our RE topics for Summer are: Pentecost, Reconciliation and Neighbours. We will also have an alternative faith week where we learn about Hinduism.


Our current book for writing is 'Goldilocks and Just The One Bear'.

We have used this book to help us write diary entries, make simple setting descriptions, and learn about adding -s or -es to make a singular noun into a plural.


Year 1 and Year 2 are both currently learning how to tell the time. We have been focusing on telling the time to the hour and to the half hour.


As part of our learning in Autumn term, we made some peg dolls. We learnt about how children in the Victorian times had different toys, depending on if they were a boy or a girl, and how much money they had. We learnt that some children made their own peg dolls to play with and we gave it a try too!

As part of our learning in Summer term, we have learnt that Mark Firth gave the people of Sheffield the land for Firth Park. To celebrate the grand opening of Firth Park by the Prince and Princess of Wales, we made posters to invite people to visit.


In Autumn term, we have learnt about animals including humans, and materials. We have thought about what sugary drinks do to our teeth, why we need to exercise, and what the best materials to use are for different objects. We have learnt lots of vocabulary to help us describe the properties of different materials.

In Spring term, we have learnt about living things and their habitats, and plants. We planted our own seeds to explore whether plants grow better in the light or the dark. We learnt they grow much better in the light!

In Summer term, we learnt more about plants, as well as learning about life cycles. We have got some caterpillars and we are going to observe them go through the life cycle stages to eventually become a butterfly!


In Art, we have practised our drawing skills, using different types of lines to help us with our drawings.

We have also practised our painting skills, by learning how to mix paints to make new colours and make tints of one colour.

Most recently we have done sculpture, where we have made stepping stones out of salt dough. 


We have learnt about the continents and oceans of the world, as well as the countries and capital cities of the UK.

We have started learning about Firth Park, thinking about what human and physical features are.


We have practised using the iPads to take photographs, thinking about what makes a photograph a good one.

We have used the BeeBots to explore simple programming.

We have used Chrome Music Lab to make different musical patterns.

We are currently using ScratchJr on the iPads to explore how we can programme something, comparing this to how we used the BeeBots.


In Autumn, we made our own Christmas decorations by sewing material together!

In Spring, we have learnt about vehicles and in groups made a vehicle out of cardboard boxes.

In Summer we are learning about food, thinking of healthy food choices we can make for a fruit salad, and making sure we are use kitchen equipment safely.