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St Francis of Assisi

Miss Chamberlain and Miss Jubb would like to welcome you to St Francis of Assisi class page on our school website.

Our class page will be updated on a half termly basis so that we can share our learning journey with you as it unfolds over the academic year.

In our class we love to learn through play. We will have fun, make friends, learn and develop. We promote a calm, positive environment so all children can grow in confidence and independence. We encourage children to take risks, be curious and explore.

Saint Francis of Assisi

Each class at St. Patrick’s has a class saint that we learn about throughout the year. We talk about our Saint regularly and encourage the children to learn, talk and ask questions about their Saint. Each Saint has a Feast Day, where we celebrate their lives and what they did in order to become a Saint.

In Squirrels, our class saint is Saint Francis of Assisi. St. Francis of Assisi was a Italian friar deacon and preacher. He is most well known as the patron saint of animals. St. Francis of Assisi's feast day is the 4th of October.

Religious Education

At St. Patrick's our day begins and ends with prayer and our mission to be like Jesus is at the forefront of everything we do. We celebrate R.E. in many different ways throughout the year.  

Godly Play is an amazing tool to help enhance the spiritual growth of our children at St Patricks. We are very lucky to have a wide range of resources, so that we can deliver Godly Play sessions in class.  This year we have heard the Godly Play of our Class saint St Francis of Assisi. 

Our third topic is  

Our Local Area: Firth Park

Our philosophical question is

‘How did Mark Firth change Firth Park?’
Squirrels Topic Web- Autumn.pdf

Our second topic is  

Costa Rica 

Our philosophical question is

‘Would you like to live in Costa Rica’

KS1 Spring Parent Topic Web Squirrels.pdf

In the Autumn term our topic is  

Toys through Time

Our philosophical question is

‘Have toys got better through time?’

English focus texts:

Autumn Term Focus Text

Spring Term Focus Text

Summer Term Focus Text


As part of our learning in Autumn term, we learnt about different toys that children had throughout history depending on if they were a boy or a girl, and how much money they had.

It was lovely to show our parents what we had learnt during our topic afternoon. 



In the Summer Term we looked at our local history of Firth Park. We looked at how it has changed over time! We were amazed to notice that the carpet shop used to be a cinema! We also looked at who Mark Firth was and his importance to Firth Park!  

Useful links to websites: